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Domestic Machinery Industry Keeps Swift Increasing Trend in International Market

AUTHOR: admin       DATE: 26 Nov 2011 02:58:37


Gradually, China economy has taken up an important place in the global world. Even in some industries, there are some signs which state China has kept up with the biggest economy country America. It's time for China to exert leading role.

Recent years, American wars, Japanese earthquake, Europen subprime crisis. These affairs had great effects on China. Although Wenchuan Earthquake caused great losses to our country's economy and society, the economic slowdown condition is far beyond America and Japan. And affected by Europen and Japanese market, export of China machinery industry fell back in 2008. With economic policies proposed by government, China economy recovered very fast.

This year the exporting increase on machinery industry is visible and outstanding.

From our mining machinery industry status, foreign investment on China market is more and more. The biggest engineering machinery manufacturer in the world, US Caterpillar Inc. announced that it will invest $10 billion on China engineering machinery market. Facing to the strong attack from foreign investors, domestic enterprises are up against severe challenges and huge business chances.

Machinery industry market is diverse. In order to its diversity, enterprises must insist on self-research and innovation, and put self-development and import together. Through the practices, it proves that technology and product introduction, or cooperation and joint venture can make our traditional mining machinery industry upgrade fastly, and also improve our levels on equipment manufcturing and manufacturing process. At the same time, self-research is necessary. Something introduced is not ours after all. Everything that has its own features and meanings can exert the greatest effects and go further.

Although China has become the first manufacturer and exporter of mining machinery, there are still factors noticed. For example, recently rising iron ore, steel brings great stress on mining crusher markets. As to this situation, government mush take solid and timely measures to relieve and eventually solve the negative effects. Meanwhile, for domestic enterprises, international market has sufficient space to develop. If we can expand international market, especially Europen, American and Japanese markets, we won't only find a way for our products, but also push our mining machinery industry and other manufacture industries comprehensively.

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